
Being a European market leader in refined vegetable oils and fats, we put great effort into the sustainability of our supply chain. We monitor and verify our supply continuously to make sure that, the producers we buy from, respect nature, their environment, human rights, and apply honest trading practices. In order to do so, we are using five different methods;

ART (Aggregator Refinery Transformation) Programme

The Aggregator Refinery Transformation (ART) programme was built to strengthen every actor in the supply chain to promote transformation, providing a collaborative framework for refiners, millers and growers with an opportunity to work closely to overcome challenges faced on the ground. Typically, over 200 mills can supply a refinery in Asia.

If you look at Europe this number could easily increase to >600. It is therefore not realistic to carry out assessments along with our NDPE Policy requirements at every supplying mill. The ART programme includes a risk-based approach and identifies regions, facing elevated risks to the environment and human rights. These areas become a priority for transforming and applying sustainably improved practices.

More information about the ART programme is available on Wilmar International.

Supplier Reporting Tool

The Supplier Reporting Tool (SRT) is an online reporting tool that helps suppliers with the implementation of the NDPE policy. After submitting their status, they receive an auto-generated targeted action plan. The supplier receives the necessary recommendations, including clear follow-up tasks they need to complete. As a result, these action plans improve consistency in recommendations, easy to understand tasks and timely completion.

More information about the Supplier Reporting Tool is available on Wilmar International.

SRT mobile


Supplier Group Compliance

Olenex makes use of the Wilmar Supplier Group Compliance verification programme (SGCP), which Wilmar implemented in 2013 to proactively monitor risk of association at a supplier group level. Today, the programme monitors over 21.69 million hectares in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea. The verified region includes 8,300 individual plantations and >1000 mills in >665 parent groups.

More information about Supplier Group Compliance is available on Wilmar International.


Alleged violations in the Olenex supply chain can be reported according to the grievance procedure. Olenex follows the grievance procedure of sustainability partner, Wilmar International. More information about our grievance procedure is available here.

All reported violations will be investigated. Should a violation already be handled by the RSPO complaints panel, the outcome of that process will be considered in a further course of action. When grievances provide insufficient evidence, they will be classified as ineligible. These cases will not be pursued. The full grievance list is available here.


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